Upcoming Events: GRADS 2025: April 1st to April 3rd!
GRADS (Graduate Research and Discovery Symposium)
April 1st – April 3rd

GEM mentoring program:
A GSG program that pairs new graduate students with experienced students at Mines!

Professional workshops:
A workshop series designed to help graduate students succeed.

Departments and Programs Needing Representative for AY 2024/2025
The departments/programs listed below still need a GSG representative for this year. Per GSG bylaws, graduate students in these departments/programs are ineligible to receive GSG grant funds, social funds, and financial assistance:
Data Science
Mechanical Engineering
General Council Meetings
General council meetings are held every other Wednesday at 5:15 pm in Berthoud 241, and are open to the public.
Spring 2025 Meeting Schedule:
January 22
February 5
February 19
March 5
March 26
April 16
April 30