Working with GSG
NewSLETTER Submissions
Graduate Student Government in unison with the Office of Graduate Students tries to facilitate communication to the graduate student body in a concise and consistent way. We publish newsletters every week with Graduate Student Government publishing them on the first and third week and the Office of Graduate Studies publishing there’s one the second and fourth week of the month. The newsletter is published Friday morning. To include your event in this newsletter please submit via the link below by the Thursday of the week you are trying to submit for. If you have a special request to be sent out through the grads distribution list please contact the administrator of that list.
Calendar Submissions
Graduate Student Government in unison with the Office of Graduate Students has a shared calendar that we publish here and link to in our newsletter. If you would like your event to be on the official calendar please submit the event below.
Officer and GSG REpresentative RECIEPT Submission
Graduate Student Government supports a number of ventures. In an effort to streamline reciept management please use the below link to submit receipts to our treasurer. Please follow all of the stated formats to ensure your Reciept is processed.