Graduate Student Resources
Colorado School of Mines is committed to providing a safe and supportive environment for the members of the campus community. If you find yourself or someone you know in a state of distress, we encourage you to seek out relevant services for assistance. The CARE at Mines website provides information on campus and community resources that are available.
Distressed and disruptive behavior usually includes a change in a person’s performance, appearance, or emotional state and may be symptomatic of a person’s inability to manage personal or emotional difficulties. Behaviors may include:
- Sleep disturbances (too much or too little)
- Class attendance or participation issues
- Change in personal hygiene
- Altered performance in academic/organization pursuits
- Difficulty making decisions
- Heightened emotional response
- Over dependence on others
- Self-harm behaviors (cutting, burning)
- Expressed suicidal thoughts
- Engaging in risky behaviors that are out of character/context
- Alcohol and Drug Abuse
If you have noticed any of these behaviors in yourself or others, or other behaviors for which you are concerned, please visit the Mines CARE site to submit an annonymous report on behalf of yourself or someone else.
Graduate Student insurance resource
The School of Mines Student Health Insurance Plan (SHIP) does NOT provide health insurance for students’ dependents; however, depending on your employment status with the institution, you may qualify for benefits under the Part-Time Temporary Employees plan. Please visit the “Benefits for Temporary Employees” page to learn more about this option.
For additional options for dependent insurance coverage, please review this reference document. Connect for Health Colorado is the official insurance marketplace for the state, and provides free, in-person support as you explore options. You can contact Connect for Health Colorado by calling 855-752-6749, or schedule a free appointment using this link: Find an Assistor.
Office of Institutional Equity and Title IX
The Office of Institutional Equity & Title IX will handle reports of campus climate concerns and incidents of bias, discrimination, harassment, and violence as a result of race or color, religion or creed, national origin, ancestry, sex, sexual orientation and gender identity, age (40 or older), disability and genetic information and other protected class characteristics. The Office will also continue to manage complaints of sexual harassment, sexual assault, dating/domestic violence, stalking, and other forms of sexual misconduct, for students, employees, and third parties.
Complaints of bias, discrimination, harassment, violence, and campus climate concerns can be submitted here. Complaints of sexual harassment, sexual assault, dating/domestic violence, stalking, and other forms of sexual misconduct can continue to be submitted here.
Quality of Life Resources
fighting hunger at mines
An on campus resource for fighting hunger, reducing food waste, and promoting healthier eating habits. Visit their Facebook HERE to find out when they’ll be on campus next with free food for Mines students.
christian action guild (CAG) in golden, colorado
The Christian Action Guild is a non-profit organization built to serve the needs of those in our community who are experiencing hardship. Visit their website HERE to learn more about the food pantry, thrift shop, and additional services.
community table in arvada, colorado
Their goal is to secure the resources (food, financial, physical, and volunteers) necessary to provide programs to help meet the nutritional and self-sufficiency needs of qualifying community members. Visit their website HERE to learn more about the food pantry, thrift shop, and additional services.
BGOLDN is a program focused on ridding hunger in Golden and serving Golden residents and the community. To explore their offerings, visit their website HERE.
Do you know of a community resource that you’d like to share with our graduate student community?
Email the GSG Academic Chair at
Laptop Computers and Projectors
Mines has several laptop computers and projectors that are available for checkout on a short-term basis. Although meant for short-term use (few hours), exceptions are typically made for students needing a device for longer for official business (conference, workshop, etc.). Reservation details can be found here. Note that the equipment is open to all Mines students and is not exclusive to graduate students.
Mines REsidence Life has a comprehensive list of off-campus housing resources for students:
The “mineslist” facebook group is a great place to find roommates and other available rentals around golden.
Discount Software
(Microsoft Office, Adobe, EndNote, etc.)
Discounted prices for popular software programs/licenses are available to Mines graduate students. Click here to view all products available. If you have an inquiry about a program not shown please contact the CSM Bookstore.
Thesis Formatting
Unofficial LaTeX Thesis Template 2020-2021
Download Links:
CLICK HERE to download the LaTeX Thesis Template (.zip)
CLICK HERE to download the Template User Guide (.pdf)
For a number of years, the GSG has maintained the unofficial thesis template using LaTeX (available above). GSG through the support of graduate students has developed this thesis template in LaTeX for the use of graduate students at Mines as per the formatting rules defined by OGS. The Thesis Template can be used in Overleaf or other LaTeX editors. A detailed user manual is available to learn how to use the template. If you have any issues regarding the template please contact the GSG Academic Chair.
The LaTeX template was developed through a competition in 2019-2020. The first prize winner was Ms. Claudia Schrama; her template (available above) is periodically cross-checked with OGS formatting guidelines. The second place template was designed by Ms. Ming Li (Ming Li template – NOT OGS APPROVED). GSG appreciates their effort in helping fellow graduate students.
Note: Please also note that template is provided “as is” without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. The entire risk as to the quality and performance of the template is with you. Should the template prove defective, you assume the cost of all necessary servicing, repair or correction.
Backup Download Links (Google Drive):
NOTE: Mines email login required.
Click here to download the Thesis Template from Google Drive
The Writing Center provides free academic support to all members of the campus community, including faculty, staff, students, and alumni. The Writing Center can provide assistance with any form of communication including papers, scholarship essays, and presentations at any stage of the process. The tutors in the center are experts in a wide variety of fields including science and technical communication, graduate writing, scholarly publications, and ESL. To schedule and appointment with the Writing center click here.
Reserve a Study Room at the Library
The Arthur Lakes Library has study rooms designated specifically for graduate students, and you are able to reserve these rooms here. The Graduate Student rooms are 320B, 320C, and 320D.
Student Emergency Relief Fund
If you or someone you know may be in need of emergency monetary assistance, please contact Derek Morgan ( for information regarding possible financial assistance. These hardships may include unexpected death of a close family member, property damage due to natural disasters, loss of financial sponsorship for international students, etc.