Frequently Asked Questions!

Frequently Asked Questions!

Howdy, everyone! Thanks to those who have emailed us questions so far this year! As planning for the 2025 event continues, we will continuously update this list! If you have any other questions or suggestions, please contact Lauren Guido (!

Abstract Submission Questions:

Q: Can I submit more than one abstract as the presenter?

A: Sadly, no. With so many abstracts coming in, it would be a nightmare to plan against potential scheduling conflicts (because poster presentations run during oral sessions!).

Q: Are there oral and poster presentations?

A: Yes! The abstract submission process and template is the same for either. Just choose which presentation style you’d like when submitting the google form. There will be a question on the form where you choose: “Poster presentation,” “Oral Presentation,” or “No Preference”

Q: Can I edit my submission after I submit the form?

A: No, the submission is final! If you really messed up the form, contact the conference chair (GSG Vice President) to see if they can manually edit it for you.

Presentation Questions:

Q: What is the format for the Oral sessions?

A: Oral sessions are comprised of 10-12 minutes long with 3 minutes for questions and will be accompanied by PowerPoint slides. Oral presentations will be judged using the following criteria:


Introduction: Is there an effective intro that sets the stage for the project with background info, prior work, and/or objectives/Qs/hypotheses?  
Methods: Are the methods clear with sufficient detail, or is there too much/too little info?  
Results: Do figures/tables and/or images/descriptions show the key outcomes of the project to date, even if preliminary? 
Discussion/Conclusions: Does a concluding section highlight the meaning of the findings, refer back to the original Qs/objectives/goals, and place the project in an appropriate context? 
Overall – Organization. Is the flow and layout clear & easy to follow? 
Overall – Visual aids. Do the figures/tables, graphics, general aesthetics enhance the presentation/poster?  
Q: What is the format for the poster sessions?

A:  The posters will be hung in the Green Center and will be viewable at any time during the conference. Poster presenters prepare to hang their posters on the morning of April 5th, 2023.  There is no specific poster format, but posters will be judged using the following rubric:


Introduction: Is there an effective intro that sets the stage for the project with background info, prior work, and/or objectives/Qs/hypotheses?  

Methods: Are the methods clear with sufficient detail, or is there too much/too little info?  

Results: Do figures/tables and/or images/descriptions show the key outcomes of the project to date, even if preliminary? 

Discussion/Conclusions: Does a concluding section highlight the meaning of the findings, refer back to the original Qs/objectives/goals, and place the project in an appropriate context? 

Overall – Organization. Is the layout clear & easy to follow? 

Overall – Visual aids. Do the figures/tables, graphics, general aesthetics enhance the presentation/poster?  

Q: Are there specific templates for the oral presentations?

A: No, just have your presentation ready in the form of a PDF file or .ppt file! Also, be mindful of the allowed time!

Q: Are there specific templates for the poster presentations?

A: No. You only need your poster to be 3’ x 4’ (either orientation). Design choice is up to you!

Q: How do I print my poster?

A: GSG will pay to have your poster printed at CCIT during certain dates. These dates will be emailed to the poster presenters. It is typically a two-week window right before the event. The deadline for poster printing is a hard one… so don’t procrastinate! GSG will not cover the cost of posters printed outside the allowed dates or from an external printing company (Fedex, Kinkos, etc.)